Feature Friday

Indie Romance Feature Friday: Lorissa Padilla

Indie romance authors being interviewed about their books? Yes, please!

Lorissa and I first connected because we released our debuts in April of 2023. Since then, we’ve been not only friends, but collaborators, co-conspirators, and commiserators in this business. She’s not only a brilliant writer, but a talented artist. She designs my character art, AND her own book covers! When she asked me to beta read her new book. ‘Til I Reach You, I was honored and excited. I think I texted her no less than five pictures of me crying while reading it. Like her first book, it’s an emotional read, and definitely one you’ll want on your shelves next month. So, without further ado, let’s hear from Lorissa!

When did you start writing? What inspired you to start?

I used to write stories when I was young, probably elementary school age. I would write them in notebooks and eventually in a Word Document when I was old enough to use our family computer. I never got farther than a few chapters, but I always hoped I would finish a story one day. I was also an avid reader. I would read all the time, every chance I got. Years and years went by, life happened, and I stopped writing and reading all together. During COVID, I picked up a book while in quarantine and it reignited that spark in me. As I started to read again, I started having thoughts about books: “I wish this would have happened instead,” “I would have written this character differently,” and then one day I thought, “I can just write my own book!” It took months to build up the courage to actually sit down and start writing, but once I started—I couldn’t stop. The ideas keep coming and I’ll keep writing as long as they do.

Describe yourself in three words!

Creative, empathetic, awkward

Describe your book(s) in 3 words!

Swoony, emotional, warm

What is your subgenre of romance? Is (are) your book(s) spicy? If so, how spicy?

New Adult Contemporary/Women’s fiction, and ‘fade to black’

What comes first for you, the plot or the characters? Is this different for each book you write? Why do you think that is?

It depends on the book! For my first book, the plot came first and then the characters. For my second book, I had the characters already since it’s a prequel, but I had to develop the plot. I think I tend to write character driven stories, more than plot driven—at least so far! Those are the stories that I tend to enjoy more, so I think that’s just a personal preference and natural instinct of mine!

Why do you write?

I love it. I love creating these small worlds and characters that become so dear to my heart. I want to write books that will really mean something to others. (100% Peyton Sawyer energy here.) In the same way that my favorite books help me during some of my hardest days, I hope one day my stories will help someone in that way.

What is your favorite part of the writing process and why?

At the risk of sounding super cheesy…I just love getting lost in the writing and world building. I love how my mind immediately takes me to this place we’re creating together. I love piecing the characters together, exploring their backgrounds and habits—why are they where they are? How did they get here? Why is a particular place so important to them? Who in their lives helped them to this point? I just love it so much!

Describe your writing space.

Any corner of my home I can scrape together where my kids can’t find me… I hope to have an office/library one day! But for now it’s wherever the quiet is—in my bedroom, the living room, a local coffee shop, hiding in the pantry while eating snacks. If I can have a cold drink and a coffee, I’m good to go!

What is your least favorite part of the writing process and why?

Not having enough time! I think the hardest part is having to pull myself out of the world I’m writing and get back to reality. I wish I could just stay there until I have all the words out! But I’ve also found that taking breaks can help with the creative process as well. If I’m a bit lost on where to take the plot or character, stepping away for awhile is usually extremely helpful.

Tell us a little about your book(s)! What are they about? What inspired them? When were they/will they be published?

My first book, ’Til You Came Along, is a contemporary emotional romance novel. The thought that inspired this book was, “what if the enemies became lovers, and then something happened where she didn’t remember him as her lover…but her enemy. How would that play out?” I was inspired by all of my favorite books and authors. My second book, ’Til I Reach You, is a prequel to book 1 but meant to be read after it. It follows the best friend from book 1 and her story through loss, grief, and healing. I write ‘fade to black’ love stories, but I still make intimacy a priority. I want my couples to explore intimacy and communication in a healthy way. Both of my books are (and will be) available on Amazon and signed copies from me personally!

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from writing and publishing your book(s) so far?

Give yourself grace! This whole journey is a learning experience and you learn SO much as you go—both the good and bad. If you make a mistake, it’s not the end of the world. Learn from it and move forward. Lean on the indie book community, they have your back!

Which of your main characters would you most like to be friends with in real life and why?

Madeline. I love all of my characters and I would love to be friends with each of them. But Madeline is a bubbly, strong, sunshine best friend and I could really use that in my life most days!

Do you eat or drink while you are writing, editing, or doing other writerly things? If so, what’s your go-to snack and drink?

Whatever I have around the house! Usually a coffee if I’m writing in the morning, and maybe wine or Jack and Coke if I’m writing in the evenings. I love sweets, chips, and all the delicious food my husband makes for me.

When you’re writing an emotional or difficult scene, how do you set the mood?

Sometimes I need silence, and sometimes playing my book’s playlist helps! I just need a safe place to be in my feelings as I try to find the right words.

Has writing and publishing a book changed the way you see yourself? If so, how?

I’ve always struggled with my self confidence. I definitely still do. But writing and publishing a book has really helped me to be proud of myself. It’s encouraged me to celebrate my own success and victories, the same way I would celebrate everyone else’s. It’s really helped me to be more comfortable in rooting for myself.

What does success as an author look like for you? 

Success as an author for me would be for my book to be someone’s ultimate favorite and comfort read. That would just mean everything.

What advice would you give an aspiring author?

Write the words! Go for it! Believe in yourself (okay, I’m sounding cheesy again), but seriously. You can do the hard things. You can freakin’ do it. And you’ve got a whole community cheering you on!

What was your last 5-star read and why did you love it?

House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas. Without giving spoilers away – I think she crafted the many character storylines so well and wove them together so incredibly. It made me feel all the feels – joy, sadness, fear, shock, and love.

Thank you, Lorissa, for joining us today! All of you should absolutely follow her on Instagram for amazing pictures about her beautiful books. And don’t forget to check out her design account, too!

If you are an indie romance author who would like to be featured, or if you know someone who fits the bill and would be interested, you (or they) can fill out the interview form here! Filling out the form is not a guarantee you will be featured. Please read all disclaimers on the form carefully before submitting. Thank you!